
Welcome to ICONIC

All types of insurance in one place!
Convenient, fast and reliable. What could be better?

About our company

We are the best Insurance Services Provider

«ICONIC» LLC is a company engaged in insurance trusteeship in the Republic of Azerbaijan since 2013. Our team consists of professionals working in the field of insurance for a long time.

Since 2020, an insurance platform has been launched to simplify, make it convenient and accessible for citizens to obtain insurance products. The platform provides information about insurance legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and products offered on the insurance market, price comparison of products offered by insurance companies, and online purchase of insurance products.

What we do?

We offer you the following services

Don't drive without insurance

There are no worries on the road when you are with us!

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Protect yourself from an unpleasant event

Good health is great. And we will insure!

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Mandatory real estate insurance

We will protect your home from trouble!

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Travel insurance

It's always cool to see something new, and we'll make sure it's safe!

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insured event?

Just contact us!

We try to keep our finger on the pulse in the affairs of the insurance business. We always take into account all new tariffs and innovations. With us you will always be informed.

Our specialists are very professional and the company’s credo is to ensure that the client is always calm and satisfied!

When a traffic accident occurs:

Inform the insurer about the incident IMMEDIATELY, taking into account the 24-hour operation of the hotline for insurance claims.

To settle an insured event, you must provide the following documents:

Statement from the policyholder regarding the occurrence of an insured event; Original contract (certificate); Identity documents.

The following documents are presented:

In cases where payment is made to a third party on the basis of civil liability insurance contracts, the person’s documents are required.